How to display screenshots using "HTML Doc from Template" smart service?

we have an application that scans incoming email in a mail account and creates a process. We use "HTML Doc from Template" smart service to display the email body in HTML format. A link to generated HTML document is available in process dashboard.

However, the HTML document doesn't display screenshots within e-mail body. Sample HTML document attached ..

how to display screenshots using "HTML Doc from Template" smart service (or) any other ideas ? Thanks




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  • Given it's not a good practice to store long string such as Base64 in a process variable, the plug-in was removed from Forum. Even though my approach here doesn't store the result in a PV, unfortunately due to misuse the plug-in was deleted from Forum to prevent such misuse.

    You can still build your own plug-in as long as it does the conversion to the base64 string and mapping directly in Java without storing it in Appian process variables.
  • Given it's not a good practice to store long string such as Base64 in a process variable, the plug-in was removed from Forum. Even though my approach here doesn't store the result in a PV, unfortunately due to misuse the plug-in was deleted from Forum to prevent such misuse.

    You can still build your own plug-in as long as it does the conversion to the base64 string and mapping directly in Java without storing it in Appian process variables.
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