Error: The amount of time allocated for the completion of an unattended activity was insufficient to allow the activity to complete.

Certified Senior Developer


I have a very basic process model where I'm setting a new value for a users first name and last name, then setting a new value for the username and finally deactivating the user.

The process has been working as expected for approx. 1 month but is now showing this error on the Rename Users Smart Service:

The amount of time allocated for the completion of an unattended activity was insufficient to allow the activity to complete.

It also sporadically shows the following error, again on the same Rename Users Smart Service node:

An error occurred in executing an Activity Class.

Error in the tomcat.stdOut log:

2022-03-23 09:46:44,983 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest - An error occurred while executing activity: id=536877698, classname=com.appiancorp.process.runtime.activities.StartProcessSmartService2
com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.exceptions.SmartServiceException: userMsg[error.initiateProcess.userMsg=Failed to start process. Process Model ID: 847.] alertMsg[error.initiateProcess.alertMsg=Failed to start process. Process Model ID: 847.]


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
2022-03-23 09:46:44,985 [ajp-nio-] ERROR - Internal Server Error on REST API invocation.

This process has not been recently changed, however, our environment was just upgraded to 22.1, in case that informs anything.

Does anyone have any advice?

Thanks in advance!

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  • I have several follow up questions:

    • Is the error occurring every time you run the process or only sometimes? 
    • Does the error occur immediately or does it take a little while to attempt to complete and then fail?
    • Are you providing multiple users or a single user to the deactive smart service?
    • Who is the process being run as? If it's not being run as a system administrator, does it work if you run as a sys admin?
  • I have several follow up questions:

    • Is the error occurring every time you run the process or only sometimes? 
    • Does the error occur immediately or does it take a little while to attempt to complete and then fail?
    • Are you providing multiple users or a single user to the deactive smart service?
    • Who is the process being run as? If it's not being run as a system administrator, does it work if you run as a sys admin?