Can I execute a if statement in Query Database

Hi Team

I have a requirement where I need to generate different update query statements for different tables depending on some conditions in a  process model.
Do we have any feature to implement this? 
I do not want to use a XOR gate and create different nodes from XOR condition as the query statements may be huge.
Or if we can generate the query statement in a Script Task and directly call the query to update the tables in the process model.
We use Appian version 21.1

Thank you!!

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Stefan,

    My condition would be something similar in the rule expression : 

    if (field 1 ="Test", 

    update table1 set table_col=ac!value where primarykey=ac!key,

    if (field 1 ="Test1",

    update table2 set table_col=ac!value where primarykey=ac!key,


    table1 and table2 are two different tables with different structures.
    We may have more columns in set values and where clause
