Has anyone used the "Export CDT To Excel" document generation smart se

Has anyone used the "Export CDT To Excel" document generation smart service. I can't find any information in the Appian documentation and I am having problems with the configuration I believe. I am getting an error "There is a problem with task “Export CDT To Excel” in the process “exportTest”
Problem: An error occurred in executing an Activity Class.
Recommended Action: Examine the activity class to correct the error and then resume.
Priority of this problem: High Priority"

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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  • Yes, I got the export function to work. If I remember correctly it was all in the configuration of the node.

    Inputs: CDT is required, Cdty_fields_to_export is required here is mine ={"wrid","submittername","submitdate","projectedstartdate","projectedlaunchdate","actuallaunchdate","workrequeststatus","projectstatus","projectmanagerid","product","workrequesttype","categorypriority","phase","description","title","theme","organizationalpriority","category","grouptag"}, document_name_to_create is required, document_save_directory is required, Excel_base_template is required (see attached), Sheet_number is required I set mine to 0. Also, on the output I have a rule that creates a link for me to retrieve the document.

    export template.xlsx

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to helmuta
    Can we have multiple CDT as input? In our requirement we need to show 65 columns. So in our standards we cant have more than 50 .
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