Send E-Mail smart service


I am using send e-mail smart service to send an email notification which is internally using HTML template.

Initially, I have designed a template with few variables using ### and which are working perfect.

Later on I have added few more variables, but these variables are getting replaced with values sometime and sometimes those are not loading.

I have even tried to click the option "Re-Scan Template" and it worked for some time and again after some time it is not working.

Can someone advice on this. Thanks.

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    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi Hari Kishore,

    Usually the HTML template will not work properly any time an update is made to that template, to work HTML template properly you need to re-scan the template every time you update the template. 

    To avoid this situation I would suggest use Appian expression rule to construct your email body. This will give more control to handle you email content, you can use HTML tags to make your content different styles (Ex: Bold, Italic, links, different color etc...) See below for sample code to construct email body in expression rule.

      "The is sample text ",
      "<br>", char(10),
      "<br>", char(10),
      "<b>", "Title1: ", "</b>", pv!titleDescription /*your pv to map*/,
      "<br>" & char(10),
      "<b>", "Title2: ", "</b>", pv!titleDescription2 /*your pv to map*/,
      "<br>" & char(10),
      "<br>" & char(10),
      "This is end of text",
      "<br>" & char(10),
      "<br>" & char(10),
      "Regards, ",
      "<br>" & char(10),
      "Your Sender"

  • Thanks for you replying to my post and your suggestion. Let me give a try with your suggestion.

    In the case of HTML template with variables ###, even after Re-Scan also it is not working some times. 

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