Handling Web API process errors

Certified Lead Developer

I have a web api that triggers a process model that has more than 50 nodes. Is there a way I can relay an error back as an web api response if there are errors encountered in the process execution. I am aware that I cannot chain the process model as I have exceeded the 50 node limit.

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    Certified Lead Developer


    Since your process is pretty big (more then 50 nodes) it is very difficult to send synchronous response. Try the following options in case if it satisfy your requirement.

    1. Split your process and keep most important nodes into one process inters of your business requirement and web API response perspective and send synchronous response  in case any thing fails in that process
    2. If it is not possible to split your process, send an asynchronous response using another POST service call (In case if your external system have any other REST service which accepts a response asynchronously)
    3. The final option I am thinking, you can send an custom email notification to External system users (Operation/Admin Users) with error details in case if your process experience any issues. 

    Hope this will help you.