I have created a process model which gets triggered in the event of receiving an email.
As per the information present under documentation,(docs.appian.com/.../Sending_an_Email_Message_to_a_Process.html) currently, I am triggering the process model by sending an email to processmodeluuid<model_uuid>@subdomain.appiancloud.com
I do not want to expose the UUID of the process model in the email address. Is there a way to create an alias email address for the process model and triggering the process model by sending an email to that alias email address?
Thank you in Advance.
Note: Our instance is on Appian Cloud
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I am not sure it will work or not but you can try.
As I mentioned, I am not quit sure whether it works or not. but you can try
Thank you for your response. I tried your suggestion and it worked.
you are welcome. If you click resolve option (If that option available) that would be great.