Task Creation is very slow

Hi All,

We have a workflow system where we are generating dynamic process(which generate view task) using Create process smart services, but it is very slow, the smart service takes more than 2second to create next process, that makes our system very slow.

can anyone help us on this? is there anything that we can replace or change so it create next process faster?

Thanks a lot

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Please share more details with us. What does "we are generating dynamic process" mean? What is a "view task"? What is "Create process smart services"? What is "our system"?

    What does slow mean? Is a user actively waiting for something?

  • Thanks for replying.  

    Dynamic process mean we are fetching process model using getprocessmodeldetailsbyuuid method by passing UUID of process,

    the process model which is returned by getprocessmodeldetailsbyuuid is then passing to Start Process smart service and this start process takes time. The view task mean task generated by User Input Task node, it is interface where user need to complete their task.

    And yes, user is waiting for the task to generate from above process. 

    Let me know if need more details , Thanks

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Jignesh Chovatiya

    Hm... in general Appian is designed to run a million process instances at the same time, not to run a single instance in minimal time.

    From a user perspective, how does this work? The user clicks some button, then has to wait until a task is displayed somewhere. Then click a link to open this task. Why is this dynamic behaviour necessary?

    What I want to say is, that without chaining, you will not be able to speed this up. And the user might be more happy to directly see the UI he expects.

  • I am not sure how much performance we can improve with the flow but it takes more then a minute to generate next task.

    let me explain how it works from user's end, whenever user click on submit button the task is completed and user move to main screen from where the task is clicked, and wait for another task to generate on the main screen.

    The workflow having multiple route based on user input from task , so based on that input new task is generated and that is the reason the process is dynamic.

  • I am not sure how much performance we can improve with the flow but it takes more then a minute to generate next task.

    let me explain how it works from user's end, whenever user click on submit button the task is completed and user move to main screen from where the task is clicked, and wait for another task to generate on the main screen.

    The workflow having multiple route based on user input from task , so based on that input new task is generated and that is the reason the process is dynamic.
