Hi,I have a process model where I have a value in a pv! variable.
Now, I would like to send pv! variable value to the SAIL form from where I triggered the Process Model.
Can someone give me a clue to do this.
Thanks in advance.
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Rao2022 said:Can't I use a!startProcess() using a link in the form?
a!startProcess() goes in the saveInto parameter of a Dynamic Link - which is nice since the link can also do other on-form saves as well as starting the process instance.
You can create a button or card layout or use dynamic link. In dynamic link you can use start process.
I have a pv!DocID inside the process model. Now when the process completed when I assign my local!localDocID into a text filed for test, it was not showing anything. When I open process model and verify everything is looking fine.
Anything wrong in fv!processInfo.pv.DocID
a!startProcess( processModel: cons!LCM_Test_PM, onSuccess: { a!save( local!localDocID, fv!processInfo.pv.DocID ) },
Please post a screenshot of your completed process instance.
Once after setting up the activity-chaining, now I got the value into my SAIL form local variable.
Ok, sounds like that means you have it working now, thanks for confirming.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Mike,
Like the above requirement, I need values to get passed back to my UI but the difference is I need to submit only the sub interface to upload files to my appian folder but not the main interface, that's why I need to use the startprocesslink to display sub interface but I cannot pass the pvs back to UI using startprocesslink.
and I cannot use startprocess as I have to use sub interface as processtartform to submit the subinterface.
Could you give any other suggestion to achieve this ?
I'd say this use case doesn't really match the Start Process Link and its functionality. If you need to submit some documents early before the rest of the form is submitted, the general best way I've found to do this is to build a special submit button that loops back to the task right afterwards.
but the main form is a startprocessform in the main process model, I cant loop this to the startnode.