Send email to multiple recipients

Certified Senior Developer

I'm trying to send an email to group members, I sent it successfully, but how to call the recipients one by one in the body of the mail



I want to show like

Dear ABC 

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    You can use MNI to do that. Steps below:

    1) Create a process model with Send email node

    2) make it as a MNI.

    3) Use tp!InstanceIndex to get the particular index name to send the email. for example: ="Dear "&cons!OB_WWX_TEAM[tp!instanceindex]. Gere OB_WWX_TEAM is my group.

    Second Approach:

    Create a for loop in process model by using XOR gateway. For this, you can create a process variable name index and increase it by 1 in every iteration and to get the name use index function.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    You can use MNI to do that. Steps below:

    1) Create a process model with Send email node

    2) make it as a MNI.

    3) Use tp!InstanceIndex to get the particular index name to send the email. for example: ="Dear "&cons!OB_WWX_TEAM[tp!instanceindex]. Gere OB_WWX_TEAM is my group.

    Second Approach:

    Create a for loop in process model by using XOR gateway. For this, you can create a process variable name index and increase it by 1 in every iteration and to get the name use index function.
