Stuck on the start form on the debugging process for the Acme exercise 8

Certified Associate Developer

Hi everyone,

Once I start the debugging process for testing, when I type the information on the form, the information disappears before I finish typing and submitting it. Does anyone have had this situation before?

is it a configuration issue on the object that triggers the form? 

Can you pls support.


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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    Thanks a lot for response,

    yes I checked each of the fields, they are storing their values and save into values.


    I checked also on the document center, I found this below text, mentioning that when the value is null, the text input becomes blank. but this is not the case. each field has its own configuration with the value and save into fields configured.

    " Now, when you click away from the text input, the text input becomes blank. This is because the value of the component is hard-coded to null. Notice, though, the character count was updated. That's because the variable has the correct data " 

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Monica G Vela

    This is the sub-interface. Could you please show us the snapshot from the main interface instead of the sub-interface. As they mentioned, from the main interface they are providing null value into value configuration.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Monica G Vela

    If the values are configured correctly on interface, are the values saving when you try to add type anything on the interface itself instead of debugging the process? If yes, try checking if the inputs are correctly mapped on the start form and all the inputs are parameterized.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Deepak gupta

      local!category: rule!AA_GetReferenceData(type: "Category"),
      local!status: rule!AA_GetReferenceData(type: "Status"),
      local!condition: rule!AA_GetReferenceData(type: "condition"),
      label: "Add Vehicle",
      contents: {
          columns: {
              contents: {
                  items: {
                      item: a!textField(
                        label: "Make",
                        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                        value: ri!vehicle.vehicleMake,
                        saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleMake,
                        characterLimit: 55,
                        showCharacterCount: true,
                        required: false
                      showWhen: true
                      item: a!textField(
                        label: "Model",
                        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                        value: ri!vehicle.vehicleModel,
                        saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleModel,
                        characterLimit: 55,
                        showCharacterCount: false,
                        required: false
                  label: "Year",
                  labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED",
                  value: ri!vehicle.vehicleYear,
                  saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleYear,
                  required: false
                  label: "VIN",
                  labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED",
                  value: ri!vehicle.vehicleVin,
                  saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleVin,
                  characterLimit: 17,
                  showCharacterCount: false,
                  required: false
                  label: "Mileage",
                  labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED",
                  value: ri!vehicle.vehicleMileage,
                  saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleMileage,
                  required: false
                  label: "Color",
                  labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED",
                  value: ri!vehicle.vehicleColor,
                  saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleColor,
                  characterLimit: 55,
                  showCharacterCount: false,
                  required: false
              contents: {
                  label: "Category",
                  labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                  placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---",
                  choiceLabels: local!category['recordType!{0063da9e-52e1-4f6e-af28-f0fa2eefe66f}Category.fields.{142b6584-3be7-42c3-852f-600471549007}label'],
                  choiceValues: local!category['recordType!{0063da9e-52e1-4f6e-af28-f0fa2eefe66f}Category.fields.{94d01ec3-9cb9-412c-833a-268fe696c610}id'],
                  value: ri!vehicle.vehicleCategory,
                  saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleCategory,
                  searchDisplay: "AUTO",
                  required: true,
                  validations: {}
                  label: "Status",
                  labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                  placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---",
                  choiceLabels: local!status['recordType!{359c9a34-94c4-4e7f-aa46-54f9b6b5a454}Status.fields.{c192b0cc-7bdf-4bf9-aea4-eca350786546}label'],
                  choiceValues: local!status['recordType!{359c9a34-94c4-4e7f-aa46-54f9b6b5a454}Status.fields.{8861f86e-a4ab-4e54-9c51-75fc2cad210d}id'],
                  value: ri!vehicle.vehicleStatus,
                  saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleStatus,
                  searchDisplay: "AUTO",
                  required: true,
                  validations: {}
                  label: "Condition",
                  labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                  placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---",
                  choiceLabels: local!condition['recordType!{b86e3be8-f076-4bf4-9f37-ba3d2ecd6815}Condition.fields.{1b84c63a-9805-4988-844c-2bb03b83abe8}label'],
                  choiceValues: local!condition['recordType!{b86e3be8-f076-4bf4-9f37-ba3d2ecd6815}Condition.fields.{44e3243e-afcf-4fe8-a200-853d2d522703}id'],
                  value: ri!vehicle.vehicleCondition,
                  saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleCondition,
                  searchDisplay: "AUTO",
                  required: true,
                  validations: {}
                  items: {
                      item: a!dateField(
                        label: "Date Added",
                        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                        value: today(),
                        saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleDateAdded,
                        required: false,
                        readOnly: true
                      item: a!dateField(
                        label: "Last Maintenance ",
                        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                        value: ri!vehicle.vehicleLastMaintenanceDate,
                        saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleLastMaintenanceDate,
                        required: false
                      item: a!dateField(
                        label: "Next Maintenance ",
                        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                        value: ri!vehicle.vehicleNextMaintenanceDate,
                        saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleNextMaintenanceDate,
                        required: false,
                        validations: if(ri!vehicle.vehicleNextMaintenanceDate <
    ri!vehicle.vehicleLastMaintenanceDate, "The next maintenance date 
    must be after the last maintenance date.", null)
                  label: "Image",
                  labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                  target: cons!AX_DOCUMENTS_FOLDER_POINTER,
                  maxSelections: 1,
                  value: ri!vehicle.vehicleImage,
                  saveInto: ri!vehicle.vehicleImage,
                  required: true,
                  validations: {}
      buttons: a!buttonLayout(
        primaryButtons: {
            label: "Submit",
            saveInto: a!save(ri!vehicle.vehicleDateAdded, today()),
            submit: true,
            style: "PRIMARY",
            validate: true
        secondaryButtons: {
            label: "Cancel",
            value: true,
            saveInto: ri!cancel,
            submit: true,
            style: "NORMAL",
            validate: false

    Thanks a lot for your support. above is the main code for the interface, on the exercise, this code was already populated, I only added lines 2,3, and 4 for the dropdowns fields for Category, status, and condition fields.

    I´m trying to check on the process model configuration.


  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Aparajita Singh

    Thanks a lot for your reply.

    Yes, I´m checking the start form configuration; I haven´t been able to update the process flow, I got error message as shared below in the discussion.