Have to update folder properties into DB

Certified Associate Developer

I have used create folder smart service in Process model to create a folder and then a write to data store entity node to update the folder properties like ID, UUID, created details into DB. When I tried to start the process it failed at Write to DSE node with the exception "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The record to be saved must not be null: TypedValue[it=38126,v=<null>] Data: TypedValue[it=38126,v=<null>]"

How should I configure the Write to DSE node to get the folder properties and update the same in DB? Please help.

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  • A more fundamental question is why you're trying to write the folder properties to the DB, when the folder properties can be derived from the folder at run-time? It's a fundamental principle in application design to not write values to the DB that can be derived (e.g. you'd never write someone's age since you can calculate that from their Date of Birth and the Current Date). Since you can get a folder's properties in Appian by asking for them (using the folder() function) why write them to the DB?

  • A more fundamental question is why you're trying to write the folder properties to the DB, when the folder properties can be derived from the folder at run-time? It's a fundamental principle in application design to not write values to the DB that can be derived (e.g. you'd never write someone's age since you can calculate that from their Date of Birth and the Current Date). Since you can get a folder's properties in Appian by asking for them (using the folder() function) why write them to the DB?
