Process Instance is getting Pause at Write to data store node

Hi All

I have a related action at record summary dashboard, when I initiated related action, I am able to see interface mapped at User Input task, but when I fill and submit the form,

I observed two things,

1) I am getting not authorized message at UI.

2) My process instance is getting paused at write to datastore node.

I checked process instance data, process variables having proper data to store,

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Mr_AR

    Does your database table allow you to add the row directly? Can you check in the log file for any exception getting logged?

  • At write to Data store node assignment section, it was configured as run as whoever designed the process model.

    We checked process model updated by , it was with inactive user.

    To get change we added annotation and redeployed the process model, now last updated by modified with deployment admin user

    Now it's working fine,