Process model

Certified Associate Developer

A form has 5 rule inputs ,as follows:

> 1cdt variable

> 3 text variables

> 1 integer variable

According to best practices,how many process variables are required in the process model's user input task


1) 1

2) 3

3) 5

4) 6

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  • As has been mentioned already it really depends on what your requirements are. Some fundamentals might help here:

    • rule inputs in use interface objects are not variables in their own right. They are "pointers" to variables
    • interface objects used in User Input Tasks in process models reference process model variables directly but they don't have to - they can reference them indirectly (that is a value is copied from a pv! into an ac! and thus made available to the mapped ri!) - or you can derive/fetch values directly into an ac! without ever having to populate from/to a pv!
  • As has been mentioned already it really depends on what your requirements are. Some fundamentals might help here:

    • rule inputs in use interface objects are not variables in their own right. They are "pointers" to variables
    • interface objects used in User Input Tasks in process models reference process model variables directly but they don't have to - they can reference them indirectly (that is a value is copied from a pv! into an ac! and thus made available to the mapped ri!) - or you can derive/fetch values directly into an ac! without ever having to populate from/to a pv!
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