#applicationExport When trying to export an application package the export

When trying to export an application package the export log contains an invalid reference error:
content 104622 _a-0000d8fb-c3f0-8000-8fc8-0a000064044c_119962 "OSP8 Current Tasks": The content [id=104622 uuid=_a-0000d8fb-c3f0-8000-8fc8-0a000064044c_119962] was not exported because it contains an invalid reference: Reference to content [79734] (Content > Report Data > Threshold > Icon Document) cannot be found.

This reference does not have a uuid. I checked for missing dependencies and nothing listed for this item.

So I cannot export 3 documents in my package due to this error. These documents are needed for two custom dashboard pages that are included in the package. Please provide assistance with solving this error. Thanks......

COP1-IDSR DHCP Service Request.export-log (1).txt



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