What is the maximum number of nodes that can be placed between two User Input T

What is the maximum number of nodes that can be placed between two User Input Tasks connected through Activity Chain ?...



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  • I assume you "don't have a limit" because a User can opt to keep looping back to the first User Input Task? You should consider a re-design if this is the case and see if you can leverage the power of a dynamic SAIL interface to conduct the processing in a single SAIL interface (if I've mis-understood or assumed incorrectly then we'll need some more details in order to be able to help you)

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    A Score Level 1
    in reply to sauravk

    As Stewart has said consider a re-design and leverage the functionality of SAIL, however this is dependent on what version you are on as the latest versions have more capability.

    One thing to also assess is what are the nodes in between the chaining trying to achieve, do you need so many - could you consolidate in to one expression rule for example, and if you are calling multiple services, could you consolidate this service in to an expression rule or even abstract at the service layer.