We are having an issue with CDT reference. We got to change the namespace of CDT

We are having an issue with CDT reference. We got to change the namespace of CDT, so we just changed the namespace and imported the new CDT before that we deleted the old CDT.

Now when we do the impact analysis on this new CDT it was not listing out any Appian Process Models/Rules referencing to this new CDT. But we could see ^ symbol in the process models which mean it is referencing to the old CDT.

Any help would be great!...



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  • This means the CDTs were deleted before all nodes were remapped now when you try to open the model retrieving it from the file system fails because of the deleted and renamed type.

    To fix this:

    1. DO NOT PUBLISH the broken look and feel, if you already did you basically saved that "broken" look and feel.
    2. Re-upload the CDTs with the old namespace
    3. Open the model to confirm that if you never saved the wrong look and feel then your original position, lanes and annotations will be there.
    4. Remap any missing nodes and variables that could be pointing to the old namespace
    5. Publish your model
    6. Only at this point is safe to remove the old CDTs
  • This means the CDTs were deleted before all nodes were remapped now when you try to open the model retrieving it from the file system fails because of the deleted and renamed type.

    To fix this:

    1. DO NOT PUBLISH the broken look and feel, if you already did you basically saved that "broken" look and feel.
    2. Re-upload the CDTs with the old namespace
    3. Open the model to confirm that if you never saved the wrong look and feel then your original position, lanes and annotations will be there.
    4. Remap any missing nodes and variables that could be pointing to the old namespace
    5. Publish your model
    6. Only at this point is safe to remove the old CDTs
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