when user upload any kind of excel sheet then interface will extract data and show the user the data.
I have created a Expression rule
readexcelsheetpaging(excelDocument : todocument(ri!ExtratExcel), sheetNumber : 0,pagingInfo:a!pagingInfo(startIndex:1,batchSize:1000),)
but don't know how to add it in script task and make process model out from this.
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Hi, instead of fetching the data in the process model and passing it to the interface use the rule directly in the interface.
In the script task, go to the output node. In this node, you can assign custom values to your process variables.
In the value, call this expression rule using the rule! domain and pass your document type process variable in the 'ExtractExcel' rule input of the rule.
Next, in the save into of the output variable, create a new variable that will be of type DataSubset.
This is how you call in the process. Or, another way is to let the user upload the document on one screen, and in the same process, add another UIT and chain them together and call this rule on the second interface mapped as the UIT.
Hi nayanb
You can use the below expression to extract Excel data, then you can show it in a grid without using Process model.
a!localVariables( local!read: readexcelimportfile( excelDocument:ri!file, sheetNumber:0, startRow:2, numberOfColumns:7 ).result, a!forEach( items: index(local!read,"values",null), expression: 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:PP}PP_XL'( id: fv!index, ename: index(fv!item,2,null()), dob: index(fv!item,3,null()), email: index(fv!item,4,null()), ) ) )
If your question is how to configure a script task, look at the following.