How to add result page after submit button in the form

I have a process model where the start form is an interface and the user inputs the data and when he submits the form, i am getting message that Action completed successfully.

In the process model after the start form, the next node is write to Datastore.

How to show any result page after submit button is clicked to user instead of form going back to the first page of the form?

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    You create a User Input task at the end of the Process model after the Write to Datastore.  Then you use activity chaining to chain all the lines between the nodes from the start to the new User Input task.  User input task can be whatever interface you want, so you design your own results page. 

    If you want to use savedValues output of the Write to Datastore output, you can even display what got saved to the database as part of it, if you want.

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    You create a User Input task at the end of the Process model after the Write to Datastore.  Then you use activity chaining to chain all the lines between the nodes from the start to the new User Input task.  User input task can be whatever interface you want, so you design your own results page. 

    If you want to use savedValues output of the Write to Datastore output, you can even display what got saved to the database as part of it, if you want.
