#createPage I created a page for one of my customers that contains 2 channe

I created a page for one of my customers that contains 2 channels. The first is a report channel showing starred processes. The second is a web content - dynamic channel that contains links other pages that have report channel. This is a restricted page - allowing only users specified to view the page. When I send the link to the page to one of the users specified on the restricted list he cannot access the page. Appian displays an error - The page you requested is not available. We're sorry! We could not process your last request. If you clicked on a link to get here, the link may be outdated. The page may have been deleted. If you typed in a URL, please make sure your spelling is correct.
The page has not been deleted, it is an active page. The link was sent to the user via the Actions drop down - Send a link to this page. I have Admin rights and sent the link to myself using the Actions drop down. When I click on the link a ge...




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  • ...t the same error. I sent the link to my team member (they have Admin rights), the can click on the link and access the page with no problem. What could be the cause of this issue? If the user's ID is included in the Restricted list should they be able to see the page by clicking on the link. See the attachment, it has an image of the error that Appian is generating when the User and I click on the link.
  • ...t the same error. I sent the link to my team member (they have Admin rights), the can click on the link and access the page with no problem. What could be the cause of this issue? If the user's ID is included in the Restricted list should they be able to see the page by clicking on the link. See the attachment, it has an image of the error that Appian is generating when the User and I click on the link.
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