How to use conditional basis entity data in write to multiple data store entity

I have two process variable that is CDT type.

I need to if any of the process variable is null then related to that process variable entity data not executed.

Like this: 

= {  

 if(    a!isnotnullorempty(pv!dependencies),   



         entity: cons!DSE_COMMUNITIES, 

        data: pv!communityAllocation  )


    if(    a!isnotnullorempty(pv!dependencies),   



         entity: cons!DSE_DEPENDENCIES,     

         data: pv!dependencies    )  )}

But it gives error:

An error occurred while trying to write to the data store [Tables]. No values have been written. Details: org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value DependenciesDT21866.projectid (APNX-1-4208-004)

Please, anyone suggest........

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    By looking at your code it looks like you have added wrong condition. iT should be like if that variable is null then don't do anything else write to DB like below. Also in both if condition you are checking same variable but writing to different entity. Please try the below code and see if it is working.

    = {  

     if(    a!isnullorempty(pv!communityAllocation),   



             entity: cons!DSE_COMMUNITIES, 

            data: pv!communityAllocation  )


        if(    a!isnullorempty(pv!dependencies),   



             entity: cons!DSE_DEPENDENCIES,     

             data: pv!dependencies    )  )}

  • Thank you for reply.

    I tried your code but It gives same error as previous.


    An error occurred while trying to write to the data store [Tables]. No values have been written. Details: org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value : DependenciesDT21866.projectid (APNX-1-4208-004)

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to nandanir9165

    In the database table you're working with, there's a specific field that has been configured to not allow null values. Please ensure that your primary key (PK) is set to auto-increment. This step will address the problem if the PK is null. Otherwise, review the table's structure to identify the specific column responsible for this issue.

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