How To Generate Report in Excel on Monthly & Daily Basis

Hello everyone,

I have one question : I need to generate 7-8 different types of reports and when the user clicks on the particular report it show get downloaded in Excel. 

So, how to implement it and what to use?


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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    There are 2 smart services that you can use: 

    Export Data Store Entity to CSV

    Export Data Store Entity to Excel

    You can use process model with scheduler setup at start node to execute entire process every month automatically. Define naming convention that contain reportname, month year for which is generated. That pattern allow you to get proper files on UI which were generated for current month. On UI you can use a!documentDownloadLink to allow user to download file.

    If you want to allow user to export and download then check this pattern:

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    There are 2 smart services that you can use: 

    Export Data Store Entity to CSV

    Export Data Store Entity to Excel

    You can use process model with scheduler setup at start node to execute entire process every month automatically. Define naming convention that contain reportname, month year for which is generated. That pattern allow you to get proper files on UI which were generated for current month. On UI you can use a!documentDownloadLink to allow user to download file.

    If you want to allow user to export and download then check this pattern:
