I have a process model (SAIL) that contains several filters. One of the filters

I have a process model (SAIL) that contains several filters. One of the filters is use to select a project status. Project status can be set as Pending Scheduling;In-Flight;Complete;On Hold;Cancelled. When a new item is entered is has a project status of either NULL or Blank (not sure why the difference). When I first open my dashboard I want to display all requests where the project value is not Complete. The problem I am running into is that I can get all requests to show in my dashboard except for the ones that are NULL. The second problem is that my filter drop down will not allow me to filter on a status of blank.

I have tried reversing the logic on my query rule and bring back all requests that did not equal Complete. It worked great except when I want to use the same query for bringing back all requests with a project status of In-Flight. Then it brings back all requests except for those In-Flight.

Send any ideas and thoughts my wa...



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