Need a loop for multiple texts. To test the loop just made a dummy loop like below
Start node:Process variables : array(Text, multiple, {"a","b", "c"}), iteration (Number, Integer), len(Number Integer)
Set len :Set output: expression: = length(array), stored to: pv!len
Properties: Delete after execution
XOR:=pv!iteration>pv!len true End NOdeElse: Text Doc From Template
Text Doc From Templatesave a document
named: pv!iteraion
description: pv!iteration & arrayProperties: Delete after executionIncrease Iteration:Set output: expression: = pv!iteration+1, stored to: pv!iteraion Properties: Delete after execution
But I can see the it stuck at XOR after 1st iteration. Why?Let me know if you want more info.
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An XOR with multiple inputs used in a loop will stop at the second iteration. That is by design. Add an empty script task before the XOR and merge your flows in that one.
Some tips on looping:
Create a script task before XOR and redirect increase iteration to that script task. Alternatively you may use existing 'set len' also.