I am looking for a nice solution for the following use case. I need to implement

I am looking for a nice solution for the following use case. I need to implement a special four-eyes principle. The same data is entered by two different people independentely. After that the entered data is compared. Finally a user task should show the records that have errors. For the user inputs I am using a grid, which works allright. I then use a rule and the apply() function to check which lines are not equals. I can then use the where() function to detemrine the right indexes. I need some good ideas to show the errors and provide functionality to correct them. Any ideas are much appreciated. Thanks!...



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  • Since the apply() function will return an array, you could display the input in a grid with the apply() output pv! appended to the grid as an 'Error' column which should show the correct rows. Leave the grid editable, then run through the apply() function after each save and loop back until there are no more errors.
  • I have built a dual entry system, slightly different that I used PV's that I wrote into CDT's and then compared the CDT's using if(length(difference(pv!cdtChecker1,pv!cdtChecker2))>0,true,false). I then created a boolean flag for each item and used the html function checklistitem to show the manager/approver which fields were incorrect. The users seemed quite positive to this as they could quickly see which section was the issue and it was visual rather than looking through for text. I guess if you are using a grid might not work for you but I just thought might be useful.
  • Thanks for all the good advices. I guess I can create a CDT containing arrays. Can give this a try. I am not sure though how I can use something like checklistitem in the grid.