In array i have to update data to specific column tried using update array function

Certified Senior Developer

[ld_id=1188, ll_id=904, fl_id=, fm_id=, rsed_id=, appian_document_id=5357264, klt_id=, legacy_id=, description=, name=, createdby=testc, createdon=10/3/2022 7:14 PM, modifiedby=tects, modifiedon=10/3/2022 7:44 PM, inuse=1],[ld_id=, ll_id=904, fl_id=, fm_id=, rsed_id=, appian_document_id=6057969, klt_id=, legacy_lease_id=, description=The Parties, by mutual agreement, due to the Partial Surrender of the Demised Premises, agree to amend items 1 ("Base Rent"), 3 ("Demised Premises") and 10 ("Shared Property Expenses") of the Summary of Terms and Definitions of the Agreement., name=, createdby=testc, createdon=10/3/2022 7:44 PM, modifiedby=, modifiedon=, inuse=1],[ld_id=, ll_id=, fl_id=, fm_id=, rsed_id=, appian_document_id=6057968, klt_id=, legacy_id=, description=, name=, createdby=, createdon=, modifiedby=lecst, modifiedon=10/3/2022 7:44 PM, inuse=0]

This was the pv variable cdt data in that for second id (second occurence) means where document id =6057969 i want to update "description" column data i used update array function in the place of index i was confused what exactly needs to be provided kindly suggest on this

*tried with many ways here by passing as index not worked*
value:"The Parties, by mutual agreement, due to the Partial Surrender of the Demised Premises"

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  • Hi dharanik2600,

    Since you want to update a particular row based on doc id,

    please try the following code,

    array: index( pv!documentsToUpdateInDB,wherecontains( tointeger("appian_document_id"), tointeger(index(pv!documentsToUpdateInDB,"appian_document_id",null)), null),
    index: "description",
    value: "Text to be replaced"

    if you are looking to update an array of elements you can use foreach on top the code.

    please let me know if it works or not.


  • Hi dharanik2600,

    Since you want to update a particular row based on doc id,

    please try the following code,

    array: index( pv!documentsToUpdateInDB,wherecontains( tointeger("appian_document_id"), tointeger(index(pv!documentsToUpdateInDB,"appian_document_id",null)), null),
    index: "description",
    value: "Text to be replaced"

    if you are looking to update an array of elements you can use foreach on top the code.

    please let me know if it works or not.


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