CSV File: Remove quotes from the file.

Certified Senior Developer

Hello Everyone,

I am converting HTML to CSV using this process nodes and it's working fine. Although I can export data store entity to CSV- but there is different requirement, so I am not using this approach. Please see below screenshot. 

Requirement: When I open that CSV file in Notepad++ I see this:

I need to remove these quotes in a file. How can I achieve this?


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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to manjit.1486

    You won't be able to make any edits to the original CSV file in Appian (and if you removed the quotes somehow, it would no longer *actually* be a "CSV" file, since the quotes are a required part of the parsing).  If you're hoping to ONLY show the end user the result with the quotes stripped, you would probably be able to have the "generate CSV" process also take the resulting CSV, read the information in as text, strip double quotes, dump the results back into a (new) TXT file, then **only** show that on the user's interface.  If the user was expecting a "CSV" though that isn't what they'll be getting anymore, so I would consider renaming the "generate CSV" button as well while making these other changes.

    Note: I'm fuzzy on how easy / possible it is to read data as text from a CSV file, but i'm pretty sure that after you have the resulting information, it'll be pretty simple to use the "text from template" smart service and drop the resulting rows of text into a new text file.  This can be displayed on-form pretty easily (i'm not sure what you mean by "editor" though).
