performance decrease in case of activity chaining

Certified Associate Developer

Activity chaining is used to show forms in succession , then how activity chaining can decrease the performance . 

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    Certified Senior Developer

    It totally depends usage of chaining.
    Think of it like waiting in line, if some activities involve complex calculations, database interactions, or there are just too many forms in a row, users might experience delays. This is because Appian holds onto resources for the entire chain, similar to how a long line at a store can slow down everyone. To avoid this, keep your activity chains short and simple, and consider using asynchronous execution (working on tasks in the background) for resource-intensive activities.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Shubham Aware

    Suppose with the same scenario we are not doing activity chain for complex calculations and database interaction . In that case also resources will be needed to perform the task .How it will increase performance . I mean the work arounds will be same but activity chaining is not enabled in second case

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