Task Assignment between two application

Certified Senior Developer

There are two applications Application A and Application B.

Application A has Group A and Application B has Group B.

First the task is assigned to Group A.

When a user from Group A completes the task then the task should be assigned to Group B which is in Application B.

How can we do that?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    That's simple. Just assign the task to that group. There is no wall between applications, other than security settings.

    I would create a group in App A and assign the task to that new group. Then make the group from App B a member of that new group. This way, you have clear a assignment approach inside App A, but can still include users or groups from the other app.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    In Application A, once a user from Group A completes the task then that flow gets completed.

    Tasks to Group A and Group B are not in the same flow.

    For Group B there is an another process model which is in Application B.

    I need to pass the task details from Application A to Application B so as to assign it to the Group B.

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