Process variable size limit is 101?

Certified Senior Developer

Hi guys,

Is there a new limit to how many rows can be stored in a process variable that is marked as multiple? I made a query that returned 146 elements and the length of the ac!variable is 146 but in the pv!variable there are only 101 elements. Everything after the 101st element seems to have gotten trimmed out.

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to saurabhrajnala

    Are you talking about the actual data array size stored in the PV, or the size of information Appian will display in the UI before truncation?  AFAIK these are two different things.  And just because the information displayed in the GUI is truncated does not mean the data itself has been truncated - to determine that you'd need to call length() on the variable (in process) and look what the output is, and/or feed the PV's value into an interface and display it in a paragraph field / grid / etc (something where you're able to fully judge the size of the data contained therein), or one of another methods.  Viewing the process instance "variables" value and/or the same in Process History is not necessarily a method guaranteed to show you the full contents of a data-heavy variable.

  • Posting the same time as Mike here.. 

    Yes the Process History tab 'truncates' your large data sets, but the Variables (actual data set) will not.  That screen shot is the key - check the Variables tab as well Slight smile

    Sample test in my environment, Process History:


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Chris

    Not necessarily an array, but even the Variables tab is not perfect in my experience - for example a plaintext value with a fairly long value (i.e. at least a thousand or so characters, just guestimating by memory), will eventually be truncated in what's displayed in the Variables tab (but the value itself is not actually truncated).

  • I would agree we should not rely on the variables tab explicitly, especially for larger values.  I am assuming it will show that no truncation is occurring in this case however Slight smile

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Chris

    Thanks   and   that was insightful. The reason I felt certain that the entire variable was being truncated was that it was supposed to write to DB for the 124th element but it never did. I'm not quite sure why that happened because as suggested by you guys, when I see the variable, it does seem to have all the elements and not just the truncated 101 that the process history showed.