I have a requirement where i am updating the constant by using update constant smart service .The constant is having multiple values when i am updating the constant all values are getting updated with new value.Is there any way where we can update the constant at particular position.
Example: I have a constant with values {"Apple","Grapes","Orange"}, by using update constant smart service i need to update constant value Grapes to Pomegranates remaining values should not be modified.
Thanks in advance
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Sure, you can read the constant values, modify them and make this logic the new value for the constant.
I have tried but failed somewhere. forgot to mention i have MNI for updated constant I have 2 constants to get updated 6 values .For 5 values we are using same constant for 1 value we have to update separate constant.The Constant which is having 5 values we need to 3rd position value
Not knowing your exact requirements, in general the idea is to do something like this:
a!update( data: cons!YOUR_CONSTANT, index: 3, value: "YOUR_NEW_VALUE" )
This would modify the third item in that constant. use this in that smart service to define the new value.