Hi all,
May I please ask for some guidance here?
I've got three record types:
docs.appian advised against using Record Events to track changes to an individual record field (e.g. certification expiration date), so I created the Consultant Audit History record type. When the certification expiration date field gets updated, I want to add a row to both the Consultant Certification table and the Consultant Audit History table.
To ensure data accuracy, I want to write both records at the same. That way if the Consultant Certification write failed, there wouldn't be an entry in the Consultant Audit History and vice-versa.
Is it possible to do this in a single Write Records smart service? And if so, how? I see the Setup tab can accept multiple records input but the Record Type field can only accept one.
Thank you so much!
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Yes it is possible if you have relationships setup, you can write related Records in one go.