I had a related action which will update the form . Now Instead of related action I need to keep a button to update which should call same processmodel to update the form with . a!columnLayout( contents: { a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Update Form", saveInto: a!startProcess( processModel: cons!_UPDATE_FORM_PROCESSMODEL, }, align: "END" ) } )when I click on that button ,It is calling the processmodel at backend but getting error and the form is not opening up like in relatedaction . If I do update from related action it is working as expected.Can someone pls help
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you have not provided the process parameter in the a!startprocess. provide the parameter and it should work fine.
do i need to pass id in processparameters?
yes if you have created a related action, then this process should contain record id / record as parameter. check in your process variables and if the parameter is set to yes then you can pass it in processParameters of a!startProcess function.Parameter name should match the process variable name.
saveInto: a!startProcess( processModel: cons!_UPDATE_FORM_PROCESSMODEL, processParameters: { yourVaraibleNameFromProcess : passingValue } },
In record type related actions we are passing actiontype and details ..do i need pass the same values here?
rv! domain will not work in interface, you need to pass the value where you've stored it in the interface. eg : rule inputs or local variables