Hi Community
I have a process model that is started from an interface. A node in process model throws error 'rank (Data Outputs)' for an instance but when tried with similar inputs the node runs correctly after a minute.
Can you please suggest on this.
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Can we know more details please , Process configuration and variable details usually it happens due to misconfiguration of your data in your variable ,Can you look into Tomcat logs, it will give you clear idea??
Hello bhaktib8408
Please check if there is any type mismatch between the output value and the variable.
The node in process model which throws error calls an expression rule which fetches only single record from database based on filters and the output varaiable type is a CDT. Checked Tomcat logs, it has message=Data Rank Output and Recommended Action='Check+the+expression+including+any+function+requirements+and+resume'. The Process model when tried with same data values again, the node runs correctly but sometimes it fails with 'Rank Data output' error.
Did you pass paging info to fetch only one record and are indexing only data part of the result??can we see screenshots of tomcat logs and your configuration as well if possible
bhaktib8408 said:The Process model when tried with same data values again, the node runs correctly but sometimes it fails with 'Rank Data output' error.
didn't get you can you please elaborate this one
Below is the expression rule used:a!localVariables( local!subcase: a!queryEntity_22r2( entity: cons!Demo, query: a!query( selection: a!querySelection( columns: { a!queryColumn( field: "subcaseid" ), a!queryColumn( field: "status" ), a!queryColumn( field: "createddate" ), a!queryColumn( field: "lastupdateddate" ), a!queryColumn( field: "subcasetype" ) } ), logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: "caseid", operator: "=", value: ri!caseId ), a!queryFilter( field: "subcasetype", operator: "=", value: ri!subcasetype ), a!queryFilter( field: "orgid", operator: "=", value: ri!orgid ) }, ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true ), pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 1) ), fetchTotalCount: false ).data, if( length(local!subcase) > 0, local!subcase[1], "N/A" ))
Screenshot of tomcat logs:
When input values similar to the errored out instance are passed to run new instance of process model after one minute the node runs without error.