Hi All. I hope all are doing good. I have a scenario and for that i need an idea on how to execute it.
I have an excel sheet with data. I upload the excel sheet and fetch the data using expression rule and write it to records.
Here the output of expression is - List of dictionary : Item 1 - a:{ data in it } b: { data in it } ; item 2 - a:{ data in it } b: { data in it }.etc............
Here the data in "a" should be stored to a record and the data in "b" should be stored to b record.
Any ideas please let me know. Thank you in advance.
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Hi vyshnavig0001 ,
In addition to what Mathieu mentioned, you can also use readexcelsheetpaging() to retrieve the data, then iterate through the list to extract values for "a" and "b" separately. After that, you can use a!forEach() to loop through the extracted data and convert it into the appropriate format for storing in records.