I've checked around on the discussion board and don't know if I've seen any definitive answer on this one. I have some processes that, when retried via Appian Designer, are not able to connect to this API.
2025-03-10 18:56:33,523 [Appian Work Item - 1713306 - WorkID 802 - execution05 - process 9100525 - model 171 : UnattendedJavaActivityRequest] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=There was a problem with the request, Failed to connect to https://*/*/ftk/rest/v1/recordItemOrder]
There are thousands of requests between our Appian infrastructure and the APIs infrastructure, all of which connect without issue, which rules our FW or network related issues. The above is the only log that is displayed, there aren't any other clues here. Is there somewhere else I can look at to see exactly why I cannot connect?
Appreciate any help on this.
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I would suspect perhaps there is a connected system with that URL?
Did you try searching by expression in designer for "ftk/rest/v1/recordItemOrder"?