We have few process model to trigger with email, these process models are triggering even if we activate maintenance window in admin console.
What can we do to hold these mails to trigger the process model until maintenance window is deactivated. We can use gateway/is deployment flag constants to divert the flow, can we do anything other than this
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We can use deployment flag constant (TRUE/ FALSE) in Process Model Advanced settings. Where you update either True or False based on your requirement.
In Process Model -> Start Node-> Timer -> Click on Show Advanced Options and then you can configure either through New Condition or New Expression.
or else you can try as suggested by Mathieu Drouin .
Thank you..!
This is fine but do we have any other options to make changes in the server, so that the recieved mails will hold untill we deactivate the maintenance window and then that mails will be sent to Process Model after the Maintenance to trigger the instances
Aswini Mathieu Drouin
Not sure what the setup is, but you would have to pause the email sending while you are doing maintenance.
A better way to do this would be to poll an email address. This way you can just pause the polling during maintenance. When you resume, it'll pick up all the emails that were sent during maintenance.
Thank you for the inputs, will try them once