I have a problem, I have to create a process that, going to retrieve a series of ids through a query, for each retrieved id goes to create a folder called activity main + id number, then retrieve the folder id, and save it to the database in a special column.
I can retrieve the activity id, then I can't go further.
Thanks to anyone who will help me
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The most simple approach is, to create a small process that creates the folder and writes the data to DB. Then call that process multiple times using "Start Process".
Do you have any more specific questions?
Yes you can do this via Looping or MNI, just create a process which contains Script task : retrieval of ID and then add start process, where it contains a create folder node as described in the following pictures:Main Process:Start Process:Hope this helps you!!!
I have 3 nodes in addition to the start and end, in the first one I retrieve the ids, the second one creates the folders. This is where I can't configure it, because in the dynamic name it gives an error for punctuation, probably because it doesn't iterate on the single id but puts them all inside, and even bypassing the name problem, I can't get the folder ids that I need for the write to database node. I know that it's an easy process at a logical level, I just don't know how to turn it into effective nodes. The only thing I can do is get the array of 204 ids, which I put in a process variable called idAttMain. From here on I don't know how to configure the subsequent nodes
That's where that small process comes into play. Try to get it working for a single ID first.
Thank you