Process Model: null in Appian Health Check

Certified Senior Developer

I ran a health check the other day and under the # of large SAIL interfaces used in record views, related actions, start forms, process tasks and reports section, there were a few lines that say:

I searched but haven't found what this might mean in terms of a health check. Does anyone know if these lines are actionable? TIA

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  • This error is often associated with a syntax problem, an invalid reference, or a misconfiguration that prevents the system from executing properly. It's quite unspecific but most surely it's a probelm of typos or syntax errors, references to variables or data types that don’t exist, missing or improperly configured fields or not fully configured PM missing inputs/outputs for example.

    You could check the object and revew any recent changes for typos, missing references, or invalid logic and ensure all referenced data is correctly defined and accessible.

  • This error is often associated with a syntax problem, an invalid reference, or a misconfiguration that prevents the system from executing properly. It's quite unspecific but most surely it's a probelm of typos or syntax errors, references to variables or data types that don’t exist, missing or improperly configured fields or not fully configured PM missing inputs/outputs for example.

    You could check the object and revew any recent changes for typos, missing references, or invalid logic and ensure all referenced data is correctly defined and accessible.

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