Can't Receive Emails Into Particular Process

Hi Forum

I seem to have hit a snag with regards to allowing my process to receive emails. I have been able to receive emails into a particular process after updating the file with my specific process model UUID, it worked for about 3 test emails, now unfortunately this does not work anymore with the alert below being the most recent

There is a problem with the process Email Receiving (Process Model). ERROR:EVAL:@reason=Invalid bean property name 'Subject' (valid properties are bccnames;destinationpmuuid;bodycontenttype;bodies;bodytypes;recipientsemails;x_mailer;x_ms_exchange_organization_network_message_id;message_id;username;x_mtn_pinpoint_from;x_ms_exchan
Problem: An error has occurred in evaluation of an expression for a Start Event.
Recommended Action: Examine and correct the expressions on the Start Event's Event Properties.




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