We have been dealing with many issues based on deactivated user accounts lately.

We have been dealing with many issues based on deactivated user accounts lately. With a large company, long process life (required) and many contract employees, this is a frequent scenario. We typically receive errors similar to the one below - bringing the user account back to active status does not resolve the issue and we haven't been able to figure any way around these other than just telling customers to cancel the request and submit a new one - which is not a very good user experience.

"The user [user.name] does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested action because they are not in any role. (APNX-1-4188-001)"

How is everyone else handling deactivated initiator accounts - since some functionality cannot be coded around (functions/expressions running under pp!initiator context, etc)? More sub processes - put almost all functionality in a sub proecss run under the designer account vs the initiator? Unfortunately after migr...



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  • I figured out a workaround. I was also having problems with this. I now know the best practice is to use a separate Appian Admin type of account to avoid this in the future. However, that didn’t help me for the processes that had already been affected. I had process nodes that where set to run as process designer. We deactivated the process creator in our dev because the person left. When we reactivated them, it still gave an error. So what I did was I created an application patch for each application with a problem. I added the process models in question. I exported them. Then I re-imported them to the same environment under the generic account. This made each model have the new generic account as the process designer. It worked. If you have a lot of models, I would suggest splitting this up into smaller patches. There may be a better way to do this but this worked for me.
  • I figured out a workaround. I was also having problems with this. I now know the best practice is to use a separate Appian Admin type of account to avoid this in the future. However, that didn’t help me for the processes that had already been affected. I had process nodes that where set to run as process designer. We deactivated the process creator in our dev because the person left. When we reactivated them, it still gave an error. So what I did was I created an application patch for each application with a problem. I added the process models in question. I exported them. Then I re-imported them to the same environment under the generic account. This made each model have the new generic account as the process designer. It worked. If you have a lot of models, I would suggest splitting this up into smaller patches. There may be a better way to do this but this worked for me.
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