Post an event to a feed when a task is created

How would I Post an Event to a Feed when A task is created that would then link to that task

Second one as well as do the same thing when a task's assignee changes for example when someone accepts a task or assigns it to someone else or releases back to the team?

I understand how to Post an Event, just not how to do it once a task has started or changed



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  • For the task to have an ID you will need the task to be started. That said you can place the Post an Event to a Feed almost in parallel with the task (maybe delayed via timer for a few minutes to allow for creation). To get the task ID you can use the Execute Process Report node before the Post an Event to a Feed node to find the task ID based on its name in a report or create a custom plug-in to do it using the ProcessExecutionService.getTasksForProcess() method, that will give you the tasks for a process

    For the other requirement you can't really communicate with another node when reassignment occurs unless the assignment is done using a smart service via Related Action or Quick Task this way your flow can connect to the Post an Event to A Feed node if needed after the reassignment

    See "Task Smart Services"
  • For the task to have an ID you will need the task to be started. That said you can place the Post an Event to a Feed almost in parallel with the task (maybe delayed via timer for a few minutes to allow for creation). To get the task ID you can use the Execute Process Report node before the Post an Event to a Feed node to find the task ID based on its name in a report or create a custom plug-in to do it using the ProcessExecutionService.getTasksForProcess() method, that will give you the tasks for a process

    For the other requirement you can't really communicate with another node when reassignment occurs unless the assignment is done using a smart service via Related Action or Quick Task this way your flow can connect to the Post an Event to A Feed node if needed after the reassignment

    See "Task Smart Services"
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