Hi all, we found a privilege issues and don't know whether it is

Hi all,

we found a privilege issues and don't know whether it is a expected behavior.
user in Group B can also accept the tempo task even if it is assigned to Group A, as long as he knows the task link.



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  • @eaglez If a basic user from one group tries to access the task from other group to which he doesn't belong the following error message will be seen:
    "The requested task is not available.
    You may not have permission to view the task, or it may have been deleted."
    It would be worth checking the group memberships of the user who is able to access the task of other group by means of link explicitly.
  • @eaglez If a basic user from one group tries to access the task from other group to which he doesn't belong the following error message will be seen:
    "The requested task is not available.
    You may not have permission to view the task, or it may have been deleted."
    It would be worth checking the group memberships of the user who is able to access the task of other group by means of link explicitly.
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