Normally user should not been able to complete the task (of sub-process) after t

Normally user should not been able to complete the task (of sub-process) after the main process instance has been terminated. But I found it surprising that sometimes a user is able to accept and complete the task (but no further node) AFTER the termination of process instance. Can anyone help to understand the actual reason?



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  • We have functionality where user can close the running case any-time via related action. This will 'Terminate' the process from back-end. If a task note is active that time (in a synchronous sub-process) should be aborted.
    This is happening normally, but we noticed few times the user input task allow assigned user to accept and submit (surprising) but not moving next node further (which is expected).
    Hope now you got the scenario.
  • We have functionality where user can close the running case any-time via related action. This will 'Terminate' the process from back-end. If a task note is active that time (in a synchronous sub-process) should be aborted.
    This is happening normally, but we noticed few times the user input task allow assigned user to accept and submit (surprising) but not moving next node further (which is expected).
    Hope now you got the scenario.
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