i have a process model as attached , my aim is to show the user input task (UI)

i have a process model as attached , my aim is to show the user input task (UI) right after user start the process. All the tasks are chained, but the user input task is assigned to myself (in my task list) instead of shwoing the input screen.
Anyone can help?
Million thanks!!!



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  • If the log is saying that then it means you're indeed exceeding the limit which makes sense if the flow is going through the sub-process, we can't count the nodes because we don't see the whole model .

    Changing this value is not a best practice, redesigning your application is the best approach. Either you put an intermediate task that shows the message "Processing your request, submit to continue" or move away from the wizard like approach for this particular scenario.

    When you have more than 50 nodes a poor user experience is created, the user might think the environment is slow.
  • If the log is saying that then it means you're indeed exceeding the limit which makes sense if the flow is going through the sub-process, we can't count the nodes because we don't see the whole model .

    Changing this value is not a best practice, redesigning your application is the best approach. Either you put an intermediate task that shows the message "Processing your request, submit to continue" or move away from the wizard like approach for this particular scenario.

    When you have more than 50 nodes a poor user experience is created, the user might think the environment is slow.
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