I was wondering what the best practice would be for the following use case. I ha

I was wondering what the best practice would be for the following use case. I have users enter data which are being validated against an external system. The validation call can take longer than the 8 sec which will brake the activity chaining. In portal I implemented a form which autosubmits itself every 10 minutes and has a waiting image displayed. What would be the best practice for that in tempo? TIA, Moritz



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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    As we know that javascripts cannot work on tempo, so the portal strategy will not work. You can have an UI which would have some text ('please wait') & a button saying 'Try Now' or 'Try Again' which would submit the form & will then check validation is done or not. If the validation is done, it would redirect to the correct UI. If the process is still waiting for validation result then it will activity chain to Waiting task once again.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    As we know that javascripts cannot work on tempo, so the portal strategy will not work. You can have an UI which would have some text ('please wait') & a button saying 'Try Now' or 'Try Again' which would submit the form & will then check validation is done or not. If the validation is done, it would redirect to the correct UI. If the process is still waiting for validation result then it will activity chain to Waiting task once again.
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