Hello to all, I have an activity A that is assigned to a group of use

Hello to all,

I have an activity A that is assigned to a group of users.

In an instance of the process a task corresponding to activity A is generated and is assigned to that group of usres. Then one of the users in the group actually clicks the accept button and starts working on the task. Finally at some time the user finishes the task corresponding to the activity.

Is there some way to record in a process variable
a) the user that actually finished the task corresponding to activity A (not the group name that the task was assigned to)?
b) the time the user actually clicked the accept button to start working on the activity?

I have a subsequent activity B in the process where I want this information is recorded in a reporting database.

Thanks in advance,




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  • @nikolaosm
    The input variables of a task are used if you want to pass data to your form and use that data in your form to display/manipulation. The value specified in input will be passed to form when the task assigned. Same input you can save into process variable. This value will be stored in process variable once the task is completed.
    In short, value will be passed to form when task is assigned, and the saved into will execute once form is submitted.

    Coming to task and Process Metrics, those you can use in portal reports.
    In case you have Task Report, you can task Metrics in definition and in case of process report, you can use process metrics.

    Hope this helps.
  • @nikolaosm
    The input variables of a task are used if you want to pass data to your form and use that data in your form to display/manipulation. The value specified in input will be passed to form when the task assigned. Same input you can save into process variable. This value will be stored in process variable once the task is completed.
    In short, value will be passed to form when task is assigned, and the saved into will execute once form is submitted.

    Coming to task and Process Metrics, those you can use in portal reports.
    In case you have Task Report, you can task Metrics in definition and in case of process report, you can use process metrics.

    Hope this helps.
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