Having trouble getting my Data Store for views to map a data type to an existing

Certified Senior Developer
Having trouble getting my Data Store for views to map a data type to an existing view. I created a view by joining data from 2 tables. I then created a data type to associate with that view so I could use it to display data in a dropdown list (or grid). When I add the data type to the DS for Views - it says the mappings cannot be verified. If I let it 'create' the table - it creates a new table (not the view). I downloaded the XSD from the data type I created and tried to manually map it to the view (as was suggested in another post), then deleted the data type and created it from the new XSD. Still doesn't work when I try to publish the DS.
Here's what I used to create my view:
CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `ipsproductsubmitter_v` AS SELECT `a`.`id`, concat (`a`.`id`, " - ", `a`.`productname`) AS `IP Name`, `a`.`productdescription`,`b`.`submittername1` AS `Submitter 1`, `b`.`submittername2` AS `Submitter 2` FROM `Appian`...



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  • Few things I learned when trying to connect a view to a CDT:

    1) View has to contain a unique ID column, populated (looks like you have that under @Id)

    2) The unique ID column had to be defined as "bigint" in the XSD, specifically:

    <xsd:element name="Id" nillable="true" type="xsd:int">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">
    @Column(columnDefinition="bigint NOT NULL")
  • Few things I learned when trying to connect a view to a CDT:

    1) View has to contain a unique ID column, populated (looks like you have that under @Id)

    2) The unique ID column had to be defined as "bigint" in the XSD, specifically:

    <xsd:element name="Id" nillable="true" type="xsd:int">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">
    @Column(columnDefinition="bigint NOT NULL")
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