We have a requirement to allow automatic reassignment of tasks for a user during

We have a requirement to allow automatic reassignment of tasks for a user during a delegation period to whomever he/she has specified as a delegate for that period (such as a delegation setup for a 10 day vacation). We were trying to come up with options to reassign the task to delegate in real-time during the specified delegation period. There are task reassignment smart services and also the IFM Manager that allows us to reassign tasks on-demand. However, the requirement is for real-time reassignment during the delegation period. We could setup an exception flow on each and every task, but that would be time consuming and potentially error-prone activity. Does anyone have any suggestions for design options to accomplish real-time reassignment of tasks without a lot of additional set up for every task, since this is an application/system wide requirement?



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Going back to the original requirements... I'm a little unclear here, without knowing how your system handles assignment as-is. A good practice I've seen elsewhere is to carry around the current task assignee in its own PV, though in some other cases I've seen the process rely strictly on chaining.

    When you say real-time reassignment, do you really mean REassignment, or do you mean INITIAL assignment? I'd think the case where you need things RE assigned would be limited to whatever tasks a user happens to have currently when their vacation is first entered; after that, shouldn't everything be handled by task assignment on an initial basis?

    What I'm getting at here: it seems to me almost as if your use case could be handled entirely by 2 separate pieces: the first would fire right at the time that a vacation first starts, and reassigns all tasks owned by the user (at that moment). The second would be a simple subprocess you could drop in front of every task, which could quickly query the "on vacation" DB table for the owner user, and divert the assignment to the delegate if they're currently out.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Going back to the original requirements... I'm a little unclear here, without knowing how your system handles assignment as-is. A good practice I've seen elsewhere is to carry around the current task assignee in its own PV, though in some other cases I've seen the process rely strictly on chaining.

    When you say real-time reassignment, do you really mean REassignment, or do you mean INITIAL assignment? I'd think the case where you need things RE assigned would be limited to whatever tasks a user happens to have currently when their vacation is first entered; after that, shouldn't everything be handled by task assignment on an initial basis?

    What I'm getting at here: it seems to me almost as if your use case could be handled entirely by 2 separate pieces: the first would fire right at the time that a vacation first starts, and reassigns all tasks owned by the user (at that moment). The second would be a simple subprocess you could drop in front of every task, which could quickly query the "on vacation" DB table for the owner user, and divert the assignment to the delegate if they're currently out.
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