Hello, I want to implement functionality that will save documents to


I want to implement functionality that will save documents to the knowledge center and if a document has the same name as another document in the knowledge then I want a number appended to the end of the document name.

Does Appian have built in functionality for this?



  Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible

  • I have a list of the current document names both in the database and in process, but I need a function that will compare the names and, if any of them equal each other, then to append a _1, or (1) to it, the same way the Windows handles documents with the same names.

    My concern isn't getting the documents, it's a function to make the comparison, to then save that to an array.
  • I have a list of the current document names both in the database and in process, but I need a function that will compare the names and, if any of them equal each other, then to append a _1, or (1) to it, the same way the Windows handles documents with the same names.

    My concern isn't getting the documents, it's a function to make the comparison, to then save that to an array.
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